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Выдержка из описания от создателей: Ogoloda.li - сайт для тех, кто не умеет готовить, плохо готовит, не любит готовить, не любит придумывать, что приготовить, а также для тех, кого никто не покормит и для тех, кому надоели макароны и пельмени. Сайт был создан двумя домоседами из Екатеринбурга, один из которых любит готовить, но не любит думать, а второй - любит думать, но не о еде, и, к тому же, забывает выключать плиту. Открытие сайта произошло 6 декабря 2010 года {...}. На данный момент на сайте работает поиск рецептов по заданным ингредиентам, близкий поиск с подсказками (если для какого-то рецепта у вас не хватает одного ингредиента, мы подскажем, для какого рецепта и какого ингредиента не хватает), поиск рецептов по тэгам, поиск случайного рецепта, {...}. {...}. Функционал сайта еще будет расширятся, как и база рецептов. Итак, вы оголодали? Проходите по ссылке, отмечайте все, что найдете у себя на кухне, выбирайте рецепт и наслаждайтесь!
От меня: На сайте есть как и простейшие "студенческие" рецепты (вроде супов с добавлением лапши бп и всевозможных бутеров) о том, как приготовить кашу из топора не оставить себя голодным; так и более сложные - смотрите рецепты дня. Кстати, очень удобная функция - отметить содержимое своего холодильника. На основе этих данных мы получаем два списка: что можно приготовить из имеющихся продуктов, что можно добавить, чтобы вышло вкуснее (плюс сложность и время на каждый рецепт); что можно приготовить, если сходить в магазин и кое-что докупить. Советую всем-всем-всем)))
Не идеальный, но интересный сервис для изучения английского. По большей части тренируется аудирование. Обучение на практике: освоение видео-, аудио- и текстового контента, - который можно добавить и самим. Незнакомые слова добавляются в словарик и идут на тренировки: слов-перевод; перевод-слово; конструктор слов; аудирование; кроссворд;* словарные карточки. Причем контент самый разнообразный. анекдоты, истории, песни/клипы, телешоу, художественные и документальные фильмы, сериалы (полностью или отдельные диалоги), художественная и не художественная литература, обучающий материал и прочее и прочее.
Из минусов: существует так называемый золотой (платный) аккаунт. Там нет ограничений по добавлению слов в словарь, а так же доступна тренировка "кроссворд". На стандартном аккаунте "количество новых слов, которые вы можете добавлять в словарь, ограничено запасом фрикаделек. Каждый день, заходя на Lingualeo, вы получаете 10 фрикаделек. 1 слово = 1 фрикаделька". От себя могу добавить, что 100 фрикаделек дают за каждого приведенного друга, дошедшего до 5 уровня. Пополнить запас фрикаделек можно, добавляя на сайт материалы.
Если зарегистрируетесь по ссылке-приглашению и дойдете до 5ого уровня, я буду вам очень рада)))
транскриптHi everybody. This is Misterdunkan in England. How are you today? Are you OK?... I hope so! Are you... ? ..happy..? I hope so! In today's lesson, we're going to talk all about Saying "Hello" and "Goodbye".
When we first meet someone... whether it is a person we know or someone we are meeting for the first time, we will normally use a simple sentence as a way of greeting them. A greeting is a friendly way of opening a conversation, or as a way of letting the other person know that we have seen them. There are many ways to say hello.
"Hi" "Hello" "Hi there" "Hello there" "Hey, how are you doing?" "Howdy friend" (USA) "What's up?" "How's it going?" "Wow, it's good to see you!" We sometimes use a double greeting... for example... "Hi there, hey how are you doing?" "Hello, how have you been?" "It's good to see you, how's life been treating you?"
If you are meeting someone for the first time you can say... "Good to meet you" "It's nice to meet you" "I'm pleased to meet you" "It's a pleasure to meet you" These sentences are often used after the other person has been introduced to you.
If you are meeting someone you have not seen or heard from for a long time, then you can show real surprise and shock. "Oh my God, it's you!" "Aahh, where have you been?" "My goodness, long time no speak" (see) "Wow, it's so good to see you again" "Is it really you? When did we last meet?" "Wow, as I live and breathe, it's my best friend from school"
If you are in a hurry there may only be a short time in which to make your greeting. "Hi, sorry I can't stop" "Oh hi there, look I'm a bit pushed for time... here's my phone number... give me a call sometime" "Hello there, I'm on my way to work... maybe catch up with you again soon" "Hey, I would love to stop and chat... but I really have to dash" This type of greeting is common these days because we are all in such a big hurry to get some place... fast!
We sometimes use the word "hello" as a way of showing surprise or as a way of expressing a sudden interest in something. "Hello what's going on here?" "Hello, I did not know he had a girlfriend" "Hello, what's going on over there?" "Hello, something is wrong here... he took my money!" Here in the UK, people will often greet each other by talking about the weather. "Hello, isn't it a lovely day?" "Hello, what about this terrible weather?" "Hello, did you hear the storm last night?" In many countries people will ask about the family. "Hello, how's the family?" "Hello, how's your wife doing?" "Hello, how are the kids?" In China, people will often greet each other by asking if they have eaten their lunch or dinner, or ask them where they are going.
The word "Hello" can also be used informally as a way expressing sarcasm or annoyance. "Hello, did you understand what I said?" "Hello, was that too difficult for you to read?" "Hello, did you see me waving at you?" "Hello, do you not recognise me?" "Hello, what time do you call this?... You are late!"
"Parting is such sweet sorrow" "That I shall say goodnight, till it be morrow" That's Shakespeare, that is. Saying "Goodbye" There are many ways to say goodbye. "Bye" "Bye for now" "Bye-bye" "See ya" "So long" "Ciao" "Later" "Cheerio" "See you around" "Farewell" "Ta-ra" "See you again" "Ta-ta for now" "Catch you later" "Goodbye"
You will often hear me say "ta-ta" at the end of my English lessons. This expression is mostly used in certain part of the UK. It is a friendly, fun way to say goodbye.
Well I have come to the end of this lesson, so I must bid you a fond farewell until next time we meet here on the super-duper Internet highway. This is Misretdunkan in England saying... thank you for watching me, teaching you... and... Ta-ta for now.
транскриптHello, I’m a very interesting and intelligent man. And this is Fred, who, as you may have noticed, is a horse. Today Fred and I are going to be helping you to improve your English. I bet you’ve never been taught by a horse before. Hungry, isn’t he? In fact, he eats all the time. He eats like a horse – of course he does – he is a horse. In English, if someone eats a lot we can say ‘he eats like a horse’. To eat like a horse. To eat a lot. [Neighing and other horsy noises.] . What's that you say Fred? Ah, just that silly noise horses make. Anyway, I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. We use this idiom when we've got some information directly from the person responsible for it. For example: my boss is going to fire me. Yes, it’s true. I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. It means my boss told me directly. I didn’t hear it from anyone else. Sad news, I’m afraid… Fred’s died. Which means there's no point in trying to get him work any more. How do we make a horse work? Yes, that's right, by hitting it, or as we say, ‘flogging it’. Our next horse idiom: ‘to flog a dead horse’. Which as you can see is completely pointless.
‘To flog a dead horse’. This means to waste effort on something that we have no chance of succeeding at. I sometimes feel like I’m flogging a dead horse when I’m teaching. My students, they never seem to learn… I don't quite understand what the problem is…..very frustrating… [Horse noises]
Я уже на сессии... Не доделала еще одну контрольную по «Бюджетному учету и отчетности»...
Если у кого-то из ПЧ-экономистов под рукой есть материал по вопросам, буду благодарна, если поделитесь: 1. Задачи и организация бухгалтерского учета в бюджетных учреждениях. 2. Учет принятых обязательств в бюджетном учреждении.
Вопросы простые, можете меня называть лентяйкой как уже назвали Но когда дело касается бюджета - у меня словно режим "блондинки" включается, причем на "повышенной тупости". Смотрю в гугл и не вижу не черта.
Сегодня сдавали первый экзамен "Контроль и ревизия". Троечных автоматов не было - пришлось отвечать... В итоге "отлично". Ох и обленилась я совсем))) А вообще страшно: ненавистный мною бюджет проскакивает в половине сдаваемых дисциплин и в большинстве новых...
А мегафон снова "радует" - вновь ввели лимит на безлимитные тарифы. Слава богу, не гиг-два как раньше, а целых 10ГБ за 500-то руб. Мне очень нужен трафик на скайп. Дорогая часть фленты, не знающая, что такое кат/MORE, если будете икать и пр. - не удивляйтесь... Это просто я вас матерю всеми неприличными словами, что знаю!
You are learning English. Of course you want to speak naturally, as if you were American or British. But how can you do this? Here are five tips to help.
1 - use ‘get’
читать дальше‘Get’ is one of the most useful – and most used – words in the English language. English speakers use it all the time! Take a look at this example: English Learner: What time did you arrive? Native Speaker: What time did you get there? ‘Get’ has so many meanings. It can mean ‘take’ or ‘buy’. English learners often have trouble using ‘get’ to mean ‘become’: English Learner: I became angry when the train was late. Native Speaker: I got angry when the train was late. In fact, we generally use ‘get’ for temporary situations and ‘become’ for permanent situations. Temporary: She got bored with the movie. Permanent: Ralph became a doctor at age twenty-five. Incorrect: Ralph got a doctor at age twenty-five.
2 - use ‘used to’
читать дальше‘Used to’ is one of the most useful phrases in English, and it is even easy to pronounce. English learners often get confused when they try to substitute a phrase from their own language: English Learner: Last time, I smoked a lot. English Learner: I smoked a lot, but now, no. Native Speaker: I used to smoke a lot. Here’s a word of warning. There are two forms of ‘used to’ in English and they both have different meanings and grammatical structures: Example 1: I used to be a policeman. Example 2: I am used to eating spicy food. In example 1, the meaning is ‘in the past, but not now’. In example 2, the meaning is ‘familiar with’.
3 - use ‘managed to’
читать дальшеHere is another phrase that does not translate easily into other languages. As a result, it is difficult for learners to start using. To manage to do something is to succeed in doing it. However, if you use the phrase ‘succeed’ instead, the result sounds clumsy: English Learner: Did you succeed to find the keys that you lost? Native Speaker: Did you manage to find the keys that you lost?
4 - use ‘about to’
читать дальше‘About to’ is a little phrase that is surprisingly useful. Listen out for it and you will be surprised how often you hear it used. We use this phrase to show that something will happen soon. Here is how a native speaker might use it: English Learner: I think it is going to rain soon. Native Speaker: It looks like it’s about to rain. English Learner: I can’t have another coffee. I am going soon. Native Speaker: I don’t have time for another coffee. I’m about to go.
5 - don’t use ‘very’
читать дальшеWhy not use ‘very’? It’s not incorrect at all, but using ‘very’ actually prevents you from applying more descriptive vocabulary. For example, instead of saying ‘very large’, why not say ‘huge’? Instead of saying the food is very good, why not say that it is absolutely delicious? Just to get you started, here are some more phrases that you can use instead of saying ‘very’: very good - terrific, fabulous, excellent very bad - awful, terrible, dreadful very small - tiny, microscopic very old - ancient very new - brand-new very beautiful - gorgeous very clean - spotless
I was down on my knees Waiting for all of this to end Like I knew it was gonna do That’s when I was found and brought to you
I followed you home I waited outside as your folks fought ‘Cause I wanted to be with you I want to believe in you so bad
‘Cause I will be your Angel But in the Joss Whedon sense There’s gonna be all kinds of scrapes and binds And I will come to your defenses I will be your Angel And I can just guarantee There’s gonna be sunburns and twists and turns And I will be in hell by season three
I don’t know what I was expecting you to do When I went and blew up at you You took what you had and ran me through
And maybe I’m wrong Maybe our stars are not lined up right I want you to disagree ‘Cause darling it’s killing me to know
That I will be your Angel But in the Joss Whedon sense There’s gonna be all kinds of scrapes and binds And I will come to your defenses I will be your Angel And I can just guarantee There’s gonna be sunburns and twists and turns And I will be in hell again now And I will be in hell by season three
01-101. Instant star s02 2. Instant star s03 3. Instant star s04 4. Lie to Me s02 5. V s01 6. V s02 7. Sherlock s01 8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer s02 9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer s03 10. White Collar s02 11-2011. Misfits s01 12. Misfits s02 13. Fringe s01 14. Fringe s02 15. Fringe s03 16. The Vampire Diaries s02 17. Bones s06 18. Supernatural s06 19. Smallville s10 20. House MD s07 21-3021. Glee s02 22. Friends s01 23. Being Human s01 24. Being Human s02 25. Being Human s03 26. Life on Mars s01 27. Life on Mars s02 28. Friends s02 29. Game of Thrones s01 30. Suits s01 31. Mad dogs s01 32. The Dresden Files s01 33. Castle s01 34. Castle s02 35. Castle s03 36. Dexter s01 37. Dexter s02 38. Dexter s03 39. Misfits s03 40. Dexter s04
Сегодня пекла по любимому рецепту: заварные на кефире.
рецепт0.5 л кефира (2.5%) 1 яйцо 2 стакана муки полстакана раст. масла соды 3/4 чайной ложки сахар и соль по вкусу
Кефир, яйца, муку, соль, сахар перемешать, взбить венчиком. В стакане кипятка размешать соду, и быстро вылить в тесто. перемешать, дать постоять 3-5 мин. Добавить растительное масло, перемешать. Блины жарить на очень сильно раскаленной сковороде!